Monday, 27 June 2011

WSP: Inspired!

And what needs to have happen to fit one month's work into (less than?>) one week?
It all start here...
... meeting Barry who has kindly shown me the ways into the WSP and the studio labyrinths of sound, magical sound.


So it's not inappropriate to then have a couple of skype sessions back in the solitude of my study bedroom, practicing with friends across the world, their evening, my mid afternoon, modelling sound in relation to colour, structure, form. The clarity that comes as a pin holds still a moment in time. How this all fits together - the rocksounds, the water, the sequence, location, colour, place. Five loops. A new one just begun.

And my first afternoon in the studio I spend listening, searching for rocks, water, sounds overlaid across time, and delighting at the literature analysis, texts from 3000 years of singing words of sound, painting pictures with text. And I listen to compositions 38 years ago in Wensleydale, near the Wharfedale that I've been working in this year. And I listen to Vancouver's sounds from the late 70s, 90s, 2010.
The stories of the changing pace of place.
I love the comments from the passers by, walkers - are you admiring the view? Actually, we study sound!

And then it's evening. A warm glow emerges from rooms with people working late. I have worked late enough, and go to eat, use wifi to update this blog (overdue) from my phone, and take some time to let things settle into place, bubbles raise to the top, sediment softly settling further down.

Walking back across campus I am constantly stunned and amazed at this place - this concrete Aztec temple system that has crash landed on a mountain top in the decadence and optimism of the 1960's. The rich trees, foliage, plants, water gardens, tree gardens, sound gardens, concrete gardens. I remember the seed Andrew sewed when he told me of its magic after visiting here last year. Something in me rose up and heard, 'yes, I want to go there, too!'

And a plan emerges as the lights in the centre quad stun me with their beauty reflecting in the water. This place has many dimensions to explore.

So now I know how I will fit a months work into 4 days (then I can go and visit the Vancouver island beaches where some of the recordings I hear were made, make my own, and taste the salt air of the pacific Ocean in my hair) ... or more.

A plan unfolds...

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