Sunday 19 June 2011

Worlds within worlds

Ontario College of Art and Design, with Luminato: home to two different events each featuring worlds within worlds...

The Healing Power of Story was a must-go, especially after the 1001 nights of Thursday and Friday evening, plus the stories I've been weaving with the Hunter Gatherer, and am planning for my Postdigital Encounter next week. And it didn't disappoint.
Laura Simms spoke beautifully with ripples overlaying all.

All three speakers spoke in story almost throughout - answering questions with more stories. Or at least tales of other tellers. Very moving and inspiring stuff. (Which I made loads of notes about and recorded parts of, so more to pop out of rabbit holes as we go along, no doubt!)


And a different kind of event, Habit by David Levine. Interesting to see - for me personally it was more about the interaction and people-watchingof the other 'audience' rather than the three people encapsulated in this elaborate giant dolls house.
I like the aerial perspective - again, some relationship to the animated presentation I've been making for my skype to Bristol.


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