Monday 13 June 2011

Tout Comme Elle

The Toronto premier of Tout Comme Elle, that was apparently very popular in Montreal, was very popular here too with a very civil queue snaking round and round in the foyer for people waiting to collect tickets before the show!

Everything about the city seems so spacious, well paced and relaxed. Although it was a bit of a culture shock initially arriving downtown on the bus after weeks in the mountains, fields and forests, it's very quickly become the comfortable place I remember from our day-ling visit last year!

The show was great - from the moment I arrived under the star-like skies of the St Lawrence Centre, to see fifty pairs of sleek heeled shoes positioned over the stage. 
To walking, several streets away after the performance, still turning when I hear a couple of women's voices talking closely, swaying forms in the conversation waves, that may have been about anything, and felt that they could still be about being Elle.

The program gave nothing away, just a long packed biography of a dozen or so production team and fifty women stars.   
But the awakening, empathy, generous twinkling in the eye, laughter, depth of emotion and synchronicity were all part of a pretty tangible sense of a commons created here tonight. Wow, wonderful looking round the auditorium as we all stood to get up and drift away, at so many women, mothers, daughters too, all now one in a sisterhood of recognition, Elle. 
Men looked clumsily out of place, a bit embarrassed, selfconscious, or simply not-so-present as the women celebrating their renewed commonality of experience the world over.

A wonderful evening of theatre!

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