Thursday 12 May 2011

Colour Grid 1000063

Origami. That was the other beautiful suggestion on the colour grids from my studio-mate yesterday. The strong bright colours , folds of paper, 3G Rubik cube emerging, of origami. 

This grid moves, has so many patterns rhythms dynamics tensions I can see it's form spring to life through this magical ancient (?)paper art. Where can I find origami paper? I can make my own, practice paper constructions like the 10 steps from 0 to 10 of foundation exercises. Made real with the grids. 

I see how quick time goes how delicate to hold the days plan. Struck how after even 4 days here a simple task of putting water in the right hole, coffee in the tray ( take sachet out of foil wrap first) jug under tray and switch to on ( power remains a constant, no need to replug) such a simple task has superceded me several times already since coming here! I have a first sensation of what it may be like to be a nun in a monastery!

Message sent from a handheld device.

Jackie Calderwood

Begin forwarded message: 
Things I see here are:
Harmony balance a grounded sky. As above so below.

I notice:
Patterns and vibrations a strong cohesive form.
I notice that as I scroll up to look at it I can touch it with my fingers 
changing it's colours clumsily if I'm not careful.

The colours in this grid are like:
A song of strength, equal tension, rhythm. normality

I made this colour grid at,-115.561142 using

This is a very beautiful thing, it's quite delicate to hold. As I made it I knew exactly as it should be. As I wrote of it I inadvertently changed it's form several times. I had to think hard and be careful to return to to how it was made. The logic wasn't as clear in reverse. But when I got there and trusted it was right then I saw the original beauty more clearly. Defined on it's fragility and strong in it's repercussions, resonant pathways stretching out way beyond the grid.
This is the remembering that I take as a tool into the balance of seeing- making-doing-being and Writing-reflecting-seeking to understand. For understand comes from the making where one stands under the feeling of what is become; and knowledge (spoken) comes from the remembering of the action in the truth of what is made. Not from making it anew.

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